Monday, November 12, 2012

Class Updates: Catalina, Fundraising, and EDMODO

Hi Vista Scholars!

The following is a list of 7th Grade updates. As always, please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. 


We still have 2 spots open for students who are willing to pay the $40 deposit- first come, first serve. 


We need to start gearing up for our big December fundraiser, Pictures with Santa! If anyone has a way to make instant photos, knows a guy that would make a good santa, has a santa costume, or owns any materials that would make a great backdrop for pictures, please let us know! We look forward to talking more about this at our next PIM meeting on November 28th. 


Parents, you may have heard your child talking about a website that we have started using: This website has a similar interface as facebook, but it is just for school. It's private, secure, and allows for discussions that go beyond the classroom. In English class, students have had the opportunity to take quizzes, partake in polls, respond to writing prompts, and comment on other classmate's writing. In the few short weeks that we have been working on edmodo, I have already seen improvements in writing. In Science, students have had the opportunity to watch videos, take quizzes, and respond to prompts that allow for higher level thinking. Edmodo offers parent codes as well. If you are interested in seeing what your child is writing, please let me or your child know and we can give you an access code. 

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