Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fundraising SUCCESS!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our fundraising efforts last week. Our donut sales profited $256.00! In addition, our College Shirt Day brought in $96.00! So far this year, we have raised $568.00. It's safe to say, we are off to a great start. Thank you to the families who helped by donating donuts, money, and/or time. Your contributions were logged with Ms. Contreras for hours.

October Fair is just around the corner! We are asking that each 7th grade child donate $7.00. Part of this donation ($5) will go towards Pizza sales during October. We are also looking for a couple of parents to help pick up pizza that day. Please let us know if you might be able to help. The other part of your donation ($2) will go towards our game booth supplies and prizes. Profits from October Fair will go towards the science department. As always, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Fundraising Update

SMENCILS Great news, we have officially sold out of SMENCILS! Our grade level raised $240. We will resell Smencils again in a couple months.

DONUTS This week we are going to sell donuts on Friday morning. Please contribute a dozen donuts or come on Friday morning to help us sell.

COLLEGE DAY Also, this Friday for $1 you can come to school in College gear!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Our First Fundraiser!

We are now selling Smencils to help raise money for our class field trips. They are $1 each and we will be selling them before, during, and after school. We are looking for parents to help volunteer during the week of September 24th-September 28th to help sell the Smencils. If we can sell enough, we can go to the Science Center or Medieval Times!!! Please contact me if you are interested in helping: