Saturday, September 28, 2013

Election Week

7th Grade Scholars,

This week is Election Week at ICEF Vista. Be sure to check out the Student Council website for updates. We will vote in class on Friday during homeroom after watching our candidates video speeches. Be sure to encourage our 7th Grade Representatives!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Technology Station Assignment for September 26-27th

Hi Scholars,

Please watch the following video and take notes before completing the IXL assignments today.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Narrative Essay due Wednesday, September 25th!

Dear English Scholars,

You have all been working so hard on your Narrative Essays and I cannot wait to read them! If you are on track, you should have completed your last paragraph last Wednesday so all you need to do now is type it all together. 

Below is the Rubric that I will hand out in class. I will use this to grade your essay. If you check off everything on this list, you will get a good grade! This is worth 40% of your grade... just like a test!

- Ms. Parisella :o)

Narrative Essay Rubric
Directions: This rubric is to help you edit your paper because this is how I will grade it. Please staple this to the front of your essay. If you email or share your essay with me on Google drive, please turn this in to me by itself.
·         Focuses on a specific event or experience
  • Presents an engaging picture of the action and people involved
  • Contains specific details and dialogue
  • Makes readers want to know what happens next

                      1     2     3     4     5
Rising Action
·         Transitions well from the Introduction
·         Builds Suspense
  • Makes readers want to know what happens next

                    1     2     3     4     5
·         Transitions well from the Rising Action
·         Expresses the most suspenseful/exciting part of the story

                    1     2     3     4     5
Falling Action
·         Transitions well from the Climax
·         Explains what happened after the big event

                    1     2     3     4     5
·         Transitions well from the Falling Action
·         Tells the end of the story clearly

                    1     2     3     4     5
·         The Plot is written in the correct order of Introduction, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action and Conclusion

                    1     2     3     4     5
  • Sentence structure and variety
  • Spelling, punctuation, capitalization
  • Word choice and usage

                    1     2     3     4     5
·         Typed size 12 Font
·         5 paragraphs 4-6 sentences each minimum
·         Indentation of each paragraph
·         Single Spaced

                   1     2     3     4     5

Name:_________________________   Class:______              Score:             /40

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Science Update

Just a heads up Science Scholars! You have two BIG grades coming up this week:

Bears- You have your Chewing Gum Lab due on Monday, September 23th.

Lions- You have your Chewing Gum Lab due on Tuesday, September 24th.

These lab reports may be typed and printed OR shared with on Google Drive. Use your school email to share! The lab report guidelines are posted here: ICEF Lab Report Format

Bears- You have your Scientific Method Unit Exam on Monday, September 23th.

Lions- You have your Scientific Method Unit Exam on Tuesday, September 24th.

Your study guide is posted here: 

Lesson 3 History PowerPoints & Test Dates

Hello History Scholars!

Below you will find the PowerPoint for our 3rd lesson this year. Remember, these PowerPoints are acting as your texts, so only take notes on the important facts. Do not write down the entire slide! I encourage you to print out this slides and bring them to class.

You Lesson 3 Test will be on 
Monday, September 23rd for the Lions and 
Tuesday, September 24th for the Bears.

Please study!

Click the following link for the entire PowerPoint:
Lesson 3 PowerPoint

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Rikki Tikki Tavi Video

Good Afternoon 7th Grade Scholars!

We have our Rikki Tikki Tavi test TOMORROW! Here is the link to watch the Rikki Tikki Tavi Video on YouTube. 

Enjoy! :)

Rikki Tikki Tavi Video

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

History Power Points

Hello History Scholars!

I will be posting the Power Points from class onto our school website for every unit! Hooray! 

Below are the following Power Points for Lesson 2: The The Development of Feudalism in Western Europe. Please use these Power Points to help with your homework and to study for the quiz. 

The Lesson 2 Quiz Will be on: 
Monday, September 9th for the Lions and 
Tuesday, September 10th for the Bears.

I am enjoying the discussions we are having in class! If you have any questions please email me at or come talk to me before school, after class or after school.

History Lesson 2 Sections 1-4
History Lesson 2 Sections 5-7