Thursday, November 29, 2012

DECEMBER 7th: Pictures with Santa/BBQ

On December 7th, we are having our big fundraiser for the Catalina Island Field Trip. Below is a list of items we need. A note was sent home with your child. If you are able to help us, we look forward to hearing from you. 

List of Items we need:
Hot Dog – Wieners
Hot Dog – Buns
Mayonnaise – Prefer the squeeze bottle
Pizza or you can donate the money for the pizza
Individual Size of Chips
Paper plates
Boats for the hot dogs
Can Sodas or Juices
An adult to dress up as Santa Claus
Volunteers to help work from 2pm to about 5:30pm

We need all items on Friday Morning, please deliver them to the office to Ms. Contreras. If you will be
sending money, please send it in an envelope specifying what the money is for by Wednesday 12/05/12. You will receive volunteer hours for all your donations. Thank you.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Over the break, you are being asked to complete several projects for class. Remember that these projects are worth 35% of your grade. Please visit our "PROJECTS" page on the left menu for documents relating to these projects. As always, don't hesitate to email us with questions. Gobble Gobble!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Study Island

Study Island is a great tool that we have been using in English class. After I teach a concept or skill and we practice it together, the students are then given time to practice these concepts or skills independently in Study Island. They have time in class during stations, as well as in workshop. Students can earn "Blue Ribbons" that show proficiency and can chart them in our class. The great part about this program is that it allows students to practice as much as they can to show proficiency- at school AND at home! If you are interested in learning more about this program and how you can track your child's progress, please check out the slide show below. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Class Updates: Catalina, Fundraising, and EDMODO

Hi Vista Scholars!

The following is a list of 7th Grade updates. As always, please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. 


We still have 2 spots open for students who are willing to pay the $40 deposit- first come, first serve. 


We need to start gearing up for our big December fundraiser, Pictures with Santa! If anyone has a way to make instant photos, knows a guy that would make a good santa, has a santa costume, or owns any materials that would make a great backdrop for pictures, please let us know! We look forward to talking more about this at our next PIM meeting on November 28th. 


Parents, you may have heard your child talking about a website that we have started using: This website has a similar interface as facebook, but it is just for school. It's private, secure, and allows for discussions that go beyond the classroom. In English class, students have had the opportunity to take quizzes, partake in polls, respond to writing prompts, and comment on other classmate's writing. In the few short weeks that we have been working on edmodo, I have already seen improvements in writing. In Science, students have had the opportunity to watch videos, take quizzes, and respond to prompts that allow for higher level thinking. Edmodo offers parent codes as well. If you are interested in seeing what your child is writing, please let me or your child know and we can give you an access code.